Bible Studies

Daniel A closer look at the book that tells what will happen in the end times


Author: Kenneth Cox

A closer look at the book that tells what will happen in the end-times. Prophecy and miracles distinguish the Bible from any other book. If you take these two important parts out of Scripture all you have left is philosophy, making the Bible no different from any other writing. The book of Daniel is so broad in its prophecies that a person must either accept it as being inspired, or reject it for being fraudulent.

Once you accept the book of Daniel as being inspired, all Scripture begins to fall into place. All the prophecies of Daniel are repeated in the book of Revelation, and help us see clearly what is taking place today. The book of Daniel is a book of prophecy; whereas, the book of Revelation reveals what has been foretold. As you go through the chapters of Daniel, you will see the hand of God pointing out the destiny of nations. It will give you a solid foundation upon which to build your faith. As Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, "But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets and He has made known...what will be in the latter days." (2:28)

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Additional Info

ISBN: 978-1-883012-37-3
Pages: 160, full-color paperback
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Table of Contents
1. Daniel’s Captivity
2. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
3. Fiery Furnace
4. Nebuchadnezzar’s Conversion
5. The Fall of Babylon
6. Daniel in the Lions’ Den
7. Four Great Beasts
8. The Ram and the Goat
9. The Seventy-Week Prophecy
10. Daniel’s Vision of Christ
11. The Kings of the North and South at War
12. Prophecy of the End Time